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Games played by Lee Seongjae
Total: 125; won: 45; winning percentage: 36.0%

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  Game Date and Game Description
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  [2007-09-16]  Year 2007 Korean League
Park Junghwan 2p Lee Seongjae 8p B+R
  [2007-08-08]  9th Nongshim Cup, Korean preliminary
Mok Jinseok 9p Lee Seongjae 8p B+R
  [2007-07-18]  Year 2007 Korean League
Lee Seongjae 8p An Joyeong 9p W+R
  [2007-07-04]  Year 2007 Korean League
Lee Seongjae 8p Kim Soojang 9p B+11.5
  [2007-06-17]  Year 2007 Korean League
Kim Juho 7p Lee Seongjae 8p B+R
  [2007-05-16]  Year 2007 Korean League
Lee Seongjae 8p Cho Hyeyeon 7p W+1.5
  [2007-05-08]  41st Korean Wangwi, semi-final
Yun Junsang 6p Lee Seongjae 8p B+R
  [2007-04-30]  12th LG Cup, preliminary
Lee Seongjae 8p Ding Wei 8p W+R
  [2007-04-28]  Year 2007 Korean League
Lee Yeonggu 6p Lee Seongjae 8p B+5.5
  [2007-04-11]  41st Korean Wangwi, round 3
Lee Seongjae 8p Choi Cheolhan 9p B+3.5
  [2007-04-04]  41st Korean Wangwi, round 2
Seo Gunwoo 3p Lee Seongjae 8p W+R
  [2006-12-05]  2nd Korean Siptan, round 3
Lee Seongjae 8p Choi Cheolhan 9p W+R
  [2006-11-28]  2nd Korean Siptan, round 2
Lee Seongjae 8p Yoo Changhyuk 9p B+R
  [2006-09-20]  2nd Korean Siptan, round 1
Lee Seongjae 8p Kim Hwansoo 2p B+4.5
  [2006-04-03]  3rd Korean King of Kings, round 1
Lee Changho 9p Lee Seongjae 7p B+R
  [2006-01-04]  3rd Korean King of Kings, preliminary
Kim Seungjun 9p Lee Seongjae 7p B+R
  [2005-09-01]  1st Korean Siptan, round 1
Lee Seongjae 7p Choi Cheolhan 9p W+R
  [2005-08-30]  10th Samsung Cup, preliminary
Lee Seongjae 7p Yoo Jaeho 1p W+R
  [2005-08-04]  1st Korean Prices Information Cup, league A
Lee Changho 9p Lee Seongjae 7p B+R
  [2005-05-23]  2nd Korean King of Kings, round 2
Lee Seongjae 7p Choi Cheolhan 9p W+R
  [2005-04-19]  2nd Korean King of Kings, round 1
Cho Hunhyun 9p Lee Seongjae 7p W+1.5
  [2002-07-25]  7th Korean Chunwon, round 2
Song Taekon 2p Lee Seongjae 7p B+R
  [2002-04-10]  21st Korean KBS Cup, loser section round 2
Lee Seongjae 7p Kim Seonryong 7p W+1.5
  [2002-04-06]  7th Korean Chunwon, round 1
Weon Seongjin 4p Lee Seongjae 7p W+0.5
  [2002-04-03]  21st Korean KBS Cup, winner section round 3
Lee Seongjae 7p Seo Nungwuk 9p W+R
  [2002-02-22]  21st Korean KBS Cup, winner section round 2
Lee Seongjae 7p Lee Sanghun (s) 3p B+1.5
  [2002-01-23]  21st Korean KBS Cup, winner section round 1
An Dalhun 4p Lee Seongjae 7p W+6.5
  [2002-01-08]  1st Korean KT Cup
Lee Seongjae 6p Choi Cheolhan 4p W+R
  [2001-10-23]  1st Korean KT Cup
Lee Seongjae 6p Im Seongkeun 9p B+R
  [2001-09-11]  13th Korean Kiseong
Lee Sedol 3p Lee Seongjae 6p B+R
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