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Games played by Tang Weixing
Total: 748; won: 399; winning percentage: 53.3%

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  Game Date and Game Description
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  [2021-09-25]  23rd Chinese League A, round 11
Tang Weixing 9p Tao Xinran 9p B+5.5
  [2021-09-23]  Year 2021 National Games of PRC - Go Tournament, men's open
Tao Xinran 9p Tang Weixing 9p B+R
  [2021-09-23]  Year 2021 National Games of PRC - Go Tournament, men's open
Tang Weixing 9p Hu Yaoyu 8p B+R
  [2021-09-22]  Year 2021 National Games of PRC - Go Tournament, men's open
Tang Weixing 9p Peng Liyao 7p B+R
  [2021-09-21]  Year 2021 National Games of PRC - Go Tournament, men's open
Tang Weixing 9p Mi Yuting 9p W+R
  [2021-09-21]  Year 2021 National Games of PRC - Go Tournament, men's open
Lian Xiao 9p Tang Weixing 9p B+R
  [2021-09-15]  13th Chunlan Cup, final 2
Shin Jinseo 9p Tang Weixing 9p B+R
  [2021-09-13]  13th Chunlan Cup, final 1
Tang Weixing 9p Shin Jinseo 9p W+0.5
  [2021-08-31]  12th Chinese Longxing, preliminary
Tang Weixing 9p Zhou Ruiyang 9p W+4.5
  [2021-08-27]  26th Samsung Cup, Chinese preliminary
Tang Weixing 9p Tong Mengcheng 8p B+1.5
  [2021-08-26]  12th Chinese Longxing, preliminary
Tang Weixing 9p Luo Yan 4p B+R
  [2021-08-18]  26th Samsung Cup, Chinese preliminary
Tang Weixing 9p Lian Xiao 9p W+R
  [2021-08-16]  26th Samsung Cup, Chinese preliminary
Tang Weixing 9p Huang Yunsong 8p W+R
  [2021-07-28]  16th Chinese Weifufangkai Cup, round 1
Ding Hao 8p Tang Weixing 9p B+R
  [2021-06-27]  34th Chinese Wanbao Cup Amateur, pro-ama competition
Chen Yang Ama. Tang Weixing 9p W+R
  [2021-06-12]  23rd Chinese League A, round 10
Peng Liyao 7p Tang Weixing 9p W+R
  [2021-06-11]  23rd Chinese League A, round 9
Tang Weixing 9p Wang Chunhui 1p B+R
  [2021-06-09]  23rd Chinese League A, round 8
Guo Xinyi 5p Tang Weixing 9p W+R
  [2021-06-08]  23rd Chinese League A, round 7
Tang Weixing 9p Fan Tingyu 9p B+R
  [2021-06-07]  23rd Chinese League A, round 6
Jiang Qirun 6p Tang Weixing 9p B+R
  [2021-05-12]  23rd Chinese League A, round 5
Tang Weixing 9p Chen Yunong 6p W+R
  [2021-05-11]  23rd Chinese League A, round 4
Tang Weixing 9p Chen Yichun 4p B+R
  [2021-05-10]  23rd Chinese League A, round 3
He Yuhan 6p Tang Weixing 9p B+R
  [2021-05-08]  23rd Chinese League A, round 2
Mi Yuting 9p Tang Weixing 9p B+R
  [2021-05-07]  23rd Chinese League A, round 1
Tang Weixing 9p Shin Jinseo 9p W+2.5
  [2021-04-26]  20th Chinese Southwest Qiwang, semi-final
Tang Weixing 9p Yang Dingxin 9p W+R
  [2021-04-25]  20th Chinese Southwest Qiwang, round 2
Li Xiangyu 5p Tang Weixing 9p W+R
  [2021-04-25]  20th Chinese Southwest Qiwang, round 1
Tu Xiaoyu 6p Tang Weixing 9p W+R
  [2021-04-22]  17th Chinese Changqi Cup, round 3
Tang Weixing 9p Ding Hao 7p W+R
  [2021-04-20]  17th Chinese Changqi Cup, round 2
Tang Weixing 9p Tuo Jiaxi 9p B+R
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